The Face of PESTA BONEKA #3 !!

these are the faces of PESTA BONEKA #3, The Biennale Puppet Festival that was held by 
Papermoon Puppet Theatre, in collaboration with Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardjo.

PETA BONEKA #3 is a 3 days festival, with hundred of puppets, 15 artists, 30 dancers, 
8 performances, 12 workshop, and more than 350 supporters,

with hours to prepare...

blinking eyes who gave their love

 the party for all generations ...

where the puppets found their home...

while the richness of puppetry was truly alive

 and the artists really got the chance to interact with people..

 to bring our memories back...

or to collaborate, and to share the thoughts...

while the party was truly a party...

 where we can see what happen today.

and attended by more than 1200 audiences.

thank you so much for all supports, wishes, and all the energy for PESTA BONEKA #3.
We know this is the next step for us to do more for you, guys...

thank you.. and see you again on PESTA BONEKA #4 on 2014!!

BE prepare.. because maybe you will be the next who will perform on our stage and receive the claps ! ;)


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